Healthy Work
Healthy Work
Supporting Long COVID at Work

Supporting Long COVID at Work

In Episode 645 we are joined by Dr. Elisabeth Stelson who talked about a recent paper (Stelson, Dash, McCorkell, Wilson, Assaf, Re’em, and Wei) that examined what it’s like to have long COVID and try to return to the workplace. So many important and powerful themes came up, but I was most struck by the fact that not only do we have a moral imperative to create systems and structures to support workers with disabilities, who want and need to work, but that it makes good business sense.

Dr. Stelson can be found here (

Healthy Work
Healthy Work
We are two Industrial-Organizational psychologists who care about how to make work a healthier experience for everyone. We run a bi-weekly podcast to bring the science directly to your ears. Please tune in and learn how you can make your work life a healthier experience. 
Email us at HealthyWorkPodcast@gmail.c