Healthy Work
Healthy Work
Abusive Supervision Harms Supervisors

Abusive Supervision Harms Supervisors

In Episode 34, we discuss a paper by Shen, Liang, Brown, Ni, & Zheng (2022) on how supervisors abuse poorly performing subordinates, but that this causes emotional exhaustion for the supervisors. Having a chronically poorly performing subordinate increases supervisors’ emotional exhaustion, due in part, to supervisors’ higher levels of abusive supervision. This further challenges the usefulness of the “tough love” approach to poor performance.

Healthy Work
Healthy Work
We are two Industrial-Organizational psychologists who care about how to make work a healthier experience for everyone. We run a bi-weekly podcast to bring the science directly to your ears. Please tune in and learn how you can make your work life a healthier experience. 
Email us at HealthyWorkPodcast@gmail.c